Play-Based, Child-Centered Environments
Dedicated Stem Room
God's Big Backyard
God’s Big Backyard is a dedicated STEM room with multiple centers designed especially for your children. This room is designed to align with an educational philosophy that the materials or activities in the centers are chosen for their open-ended value in that children can make it be anything they want or can imagine. Many centers are created with natural or loose parts to engage the child’s sense of wonder and curiosity. Children also visit God’s Big Backyard throughout the week.
Planting Beds
God's Garden
We believe that outdoor play also plays a role in children’s development. We encourage you, when at home, to provide your child with many outdoor experiences. At the back of the church, we have two “garden tubs” where the children plant, learn and discover about growing things.
Music Lab
Music Meadow
We believe that Music and Movement are necessary for child development. On the second floor of the church is our Music Meadow. It has a music experience wall, puppet station, walk on keyboard and many other materials designed for music, movement and other sensory activities.
Process Art
Thou Art Room
We believe the arts play an important role in child development. In “THOU ART ROOM” students are encouraged to explore art through various mediums. We believe in PROCESS ART vs PRODUCT. This means that the process of creating the art is more important than the final product. The value of some projects at first glance may seem like chaos, but in reality, it may be practicing fine motor control, learning to finger paint, collage, abstract, or just plain fun with using various art materials!